So much for a long weekend

This weekend I thought, "oh great, it's a long weekend and we're going to make the most of it." Boy was I wrong!

We are all sick.

It started with the baby having a runny nose and two days later the whole family was sniffling and hyperdosing on vitamin C. Saturday morning I slept in. While tossing and turning I realized that my daughters (3 and a half and 2) were up with my husband and wondered if he had thought to change the baby's diaper (because he's forgotten in the past) or given them anything to eat for breakfast. All was pretty much under control when I came out to the living room. I decided that I needed to make some chicken soup for the family and so I set out to Wild Oats.

I took the baby with me so that hubby would only have to worry about one toddler. I was off.

I got to Wild Oats, did my shopping, paid, went back to the car, put the baby in her seat, put all the groceries away, got myself in the car, started the engine and then LIGHT BULB! I forgot to get the most important ingredient for my chicken soup, Chicken Broth! (I like to use organic made chicken broth in my soup). Ugg! I had to rip the box of whole wheat cheddar bunnies from my 2 year old to get her out of her car seat all while trying to explain to her why mommy was being so drastic in not letting her bring the entire box of "bunnies" (as she calls them) into the store. I rushed back into the store, got the broth, paid and was finally on my way home. That was an event in and of itself for me!

I guess this is what happens when you have mommy brain, have to keep your self going even when you're run down with the flu and have to take care of 4 people (including yourself.)  So much for a long weekend huh?!


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