Hello out there! It's been quite some time since I last posted on 'mamascribble' and yes I have missed it terribly. So here I am peeking up from way below :) I spent the last four months working fervently on my novel Confessions of a Legal Secretary, which was ultimately my Thesis for my Master's in Creative Writing. Nevertheless, between running a household, being a wife and caring for my three spirited daughters and let's not forget my cheeky and frenzied Pomeranian, Miss Goldie, this mama is spent to her last ounce. Whew! What a crazy journey and ride it has all been and continues to be (may I add).
So now that the Thesis is complete, out of my hair, in the hands of the University and probably on the archived shelves of the school's library already, I continue to slog at my novel (my first 'fiber and ink' baby because my other three are my flesh and blood-LOL!). This is not an easy task because while my initial goal was to write the damn novel that had been sitting patiently in my head for the past NINE YEARS to present as proof of my creative sense, now I must tweak, revamp, reconsider and sometimes kill off some parts of my fiber and ink baby. But thanks to a wonderful continuing education (if you will) option offered by Mediabistro I can now delve into my novel with the insights and help from an experienced literary agent. I am, eternally grateful for the invaluable advice that has been imparted thus far and I hope (like, really hope) to get this baby ready for publication. There is still more to come with respect to the writing and the story itself but the time I put in now will only pay off later when I finally get to see my book in print and on the shelves of bookstore and maybe, just maybe, on a bestseller list (Ha! Wishful thinking but I can dream can't I?! LOL!).
So while I pull my hair out from spinning on my little hamster wheel of being a Mom and trying to squeeze in time for my writing, my passion, my life's purpose (among other things) and getting my fiber and ink baby to a fully gestated stage and ready to be part of this world, I'll continually come here and vent or share with you, this journey of mine. Thank you to all who follow (or lurk) and read me every now and again. I am eternally grateful...