{cupcakes} by little hands

I wear many hats.  I believe most parents wear many hats.  I'm a wife, mother, writer, worrier, baker, thinker, creator, sewer (as in needle & thread), crafter, sister, friend, daughter, diplomat, niece, granddaughter, skeptic, poet...I can go on but I don't want to tire you.  Eh, didn't think so.

On most days I feel like the mad hatter with a collection of topsy turvy hats propped on my head that are about to topple over at any given moment.  I have a love for many things but sometimes I simply need to watch my children enjoy something I love to do.

Without further ado...  

A sneak peek at my three little lovely ladies using their little hands to decorate their own little cupcakes.

they pick and frost

they frost em' faster than me!

yup, that pink frosting has all the junk you can contain in one small jar

lotus pose and cupcake frosting

luna can't decide which one looks prettier

I love the way she frosts in her meditative poses

focus.  serious focus.

sabrina loves sprinkles...  who doesn't?

candy dots! 

kalina would rather eat the frosting and skip the cupcake

yum, yum, yum...

I guarantee you that she'll hate me for putting up this 'chomp' picture of her 
when she's, say, 20 years old.  
sorry Sabrina, had to document this one... my little ladybug...

fun and laughter and cupcakes too!

they're happy as a frosted cupcake with sprinkles! 

Etsy {felt finds}

I've told you before how much I love felt, right?  Well, I LOVE felt and I'm always amazed at all the lovely and fabulous handmade things you can find on Etsy.  I've compiled a number of cool 'felt finds' straight from Etsy that perhaps you may want to take peek at.

Cute felt animals  These look easy enough to make as a quick project.  

Yummy pumpkin felt pie just in time for Fall.

Adorable felt purse.  I love unique finds like these.  


 Felt mobile  perfect for a child's room.

Felt flower bouquet that'll delight anyone's day.  

Baby ballerina felt slippers

Modern felt decorative pillow (love the contrast here!)

This felt wreath is perfect for Fall and it can even been kept up for Thanksgiving.  

Hope you enjoy my favorite felt finds on Etsy! Happy felt hunting! 

Sisters sharing {sketching}

We took a field trip to an outdoor mall in West Palm Beach.  My husband works in the area twice a week and for over a month now, I've been lending my car to my mother.  Her car died and she's saving up for a new one.  In the meantime, I do what I can to help her.  It's what daughters do (I guess).

My daughters, on the other hand, had a pretty cool day.  We went to Barnes and Noble and I read aloud six book to them (I love love love Mo Willems and his crazy pigeon).  Sabrina read Fancy Nancy.  Then they counted all the stuffed animals on the shelves, lined them up for a performance and later pretended that they lived during the ice age by escaping the giant dinosaurs and hiding under the Thomas the Tank Engine train table.  They used their resources, that's all that matters.

But the best part of the day for me was watching the two bigger sisters share a bench and sketch in their new 'scratch books'.  A book that has black coated pages and glitter beneath each page as they 'scratch' designs or pictures with a wooden pencil 'tool'.  So amusing for them! Sabrina naturally drew her own pictures.  Luna decided to copy all the names of the stores around her in the open terrace we were in.  Kalina slept soundly in her stroller (thank goodness!)

Two sisters share sketching time (quietly, for once).

One sister peeks over...Hmmm....what's she drawing??

One mama revels in the simple beauty of her daughters sharing a moment...lovely

It was a great day.

de-cluttering {get started}

So you're among the many parents that have wayyyy too many toys for your kids.  We've all been there (or are still there).  They didn't appear on their own, no, us parents allowed them to come in to the house, stay and take over the living space, bedrooms, bathrooms, yada, yada, yada.  So now you've had it up to (you know where) with all the toys, toys, toys.

More than 50% of the toys your children have don't even get played with.  I know that this is a fact because I've experienced this and the many many other parents that I've spoken to about the issue have as well.  So what do you do?

D-E-C-L-U-T-T-E-R is what you do! DeclutterDeclutterDecutter is all you need to think about.  As a follow up to a post I wrote two years ago, I'll give you some tips on how to get your house or space or kid's room looking less cluttered and much more livable AGAIN.  I still stand by the idea that less is more but we each have to arrive at that place at our own time.

There is nothing worse than feeling like you cannot invite people over to your home because the clutter of stuff (in this case toys) is so distracting and unpleasant to be around that you simply avoid the entire commitment.  Just the other day my hubby mentioned to me that a family member needs to have a trusted friend come over their house to do some work but he's actually embarrassed about how cluttered and out of control his child's toy issue has gotten.  Perhaps these tips will put their cluttered issue into perspective to get started.  I call it the DREAD method because we all dread having to wade through the tedious task of getting rid of stuff.  It's time consuming, overwhelming and exhausting BUT you'll feel damn good once you're done and clutter free (or simply have less).

  • Donate
One of the easiest ways to get rid of stuff is to donate them to a better cause.  It can be Goodwill, a local charity or church, a family in need or whatever you deem appropriate.  Donating is a selfless act because you know that the one thing you're going to get out of it is simply a good feeling of either making someones day or making a small or big difference to a cause plus less stuff in your home.  You can even include your children in this.  It'll be a great way to for them to learn a little appreciation for the abundant things in life.
  • Rotate
The Real Estate jargon is, Location, Location, Location.  Similarly, the kid room jargon is Rotate, Rotate, Rotate.  I cannot tell you enough how much easier it will be to deal with toy overload if once a month you remove the toys your child has barely looked at, spat on or dunked in the toilet and replace them with old/new toys that you’ve had stored since their last Birthday or Christmas gift.  They’ll express an eager interest to play with the ‘new’ stuff you put out for them.  But remember to keep the rotate pile to a minimum, i.e., a small box you can easily store without it being obtrusive.  
  • Exterminate
Okay, okay, I know this sounds radical but let's face it, some toys have seen better days, seriously! If truth be told, how do you know that your kid wouldn't want to incinerate the pathetic thing it if they could?! Hmmm?? Now, don't go playing with fire because there is always the easy peasy 'toss in the garbage' method.  Can you say, 'next!'?  We all have some exterminating worthy things that can be put out of their own misery.
  • Apply Feng Shui
Feng what? Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that is used to balance out energies in any given space.  The way to apply it to toys or to your kid’s room would be to use one rule of thumb and that is, if two things come into the room then two things go out.  The same rule is applied to any item or article of clothing as well.  The idea is to keep a balance in the amount of things present without disrupting the space your child plays, sleeps or studies in.   If your child does not love it then you don't need it.  I know that this seems much easier said than done but it is achievable, believe me.  You don't have to become a Minimalist or anything but it does help to bear these ideas in mind.
  • Do not change your mind later

So now you've de-cluttered your space, room, whatever and those funny feelings of 'emotional attachment' start creeping in and you start to re-sort the stuff that you just removed.  Do your best to resist the urge to say to yourself 'ohbutthisissosocuteandIrememberwhenIboughtitandhowIfeltwhen...' don't do it! I'm telling you, don't even think that way because then you are doomed to a case of permanent unrealistic and emotional attachment to stuff or toys or whatever.  Step. Away. From. The. Toys.  Now!

Lastly, you CAN store your kids toys in a fun and cute way also.  Here are some ways I've gotten my girls toys and things in tidy order.  I like to keep things to a minimum so my solutions are simple and uncomplicated.

This started out as the small toy corner.  You know, the little annoying toys that end up getting kicked under the bed or stepped on when we're about to tuck them in to bed.  Yeah, those pesky ones! So now we've converted this nook into another book corner because we love, love, love books! 

The books here are mainly board books that have been passed down to my youngest daughter (she's 3 years old).  Now her older sister gets to read most of them to her which I think is sweet and cute.  

The far right side wicker baskets lined in polka dots is where I keep their shoes stored.  The cubby they sit in were originally stackable book cases.  I have super small closets in my house which inevitably forces me to keep the essentials and not an overflowing amount of 'just in case' things on hand.  
I've learned to appreciate this.    

Believe it or not, I've reduced their small toys down to this ONE cloth storage box.  
The older two were happy to take part in deciding what to keep and what not.  
They were reasonable about it too! 
I found this cute Kitty box at The Container Store for $6.99.  Score! 

These are simple small canvas baskets from PBKids.  I may have gotten these on sale too.  
I use these for games or little stuffed animals.  My girls LOVE stuffed animals.     

The second stackable book shelf turned into a second shoe storage for the girls.
Sabrina baskets with liners from PBkids.   

Did I mention that we LOVE books?  Yeah, we really love books... 
(I took a writing seminar with the author of TANGO

I started receiving these books by mail when my eldest was just a few months old.  
She'll be 8 years old in five months and we're still enjoying them all! 

Happy de-cluttering! If you have other ideas or would like to share your thoughts on this task, feel free in the comments below.  I'd love to hear from you.  

letter to {my little cup of} coffee

Image via equitycoffee.com

Dear little cup of coffee,

Remember me?  We met just a couple of years ago because up until that time, I was reluctant to savoring you.  I was more of a green tea type of gal but then I gave you a shot (wink).  I hope you're doing swell.  I do remember learning to make you in the espresso style when I was about nine years old and I recall you always smelling marvelous.  After trying the many varieties you come in whether you were freshly ground from Ecuador or pre-packaged in an air tight container, I learned to appreciate you, admire you, need you and want you more and more.  You and me became an obsession, an affair of sorts.  You've warmed my chilly late evenings and jolt me awake on those slow ass mornings.

Now I've discovered you in a perfect little single serve package offered up by one of your biggest fans.  Thank you Starbucks for sharing the ingenious serving!

I started mixing you up with some exotic vanilla bean coconut milk and this made you even more exciting but I never let her overpower you too much because you're too good for that! Plus I'd never let you reach your expiration date because that would mean that you've cheated on me.  None of that silliness happening between you and I.  You are such a loyal companion and I a loyal drinker to you my savory and extra bold coffee.  I know you'll never let me down (wink).  Your commitment to keeping me up at night is more than I can ever ask for.  When I need you, you're there.  When I've had enough of you, you patiently wait to be re-heated.  When I've abandoned you for some days, you always pick up right where you left off once I have you again.  You are the perfect dose to my day, the wide eye keeper to my nights and my overall get my ass moving addictive liquid with a questionable dose of delicious.

So here's to you, my lovely little cup of coffee.  Thank you for your continued commitment to this Mama that would be lost and sleepy.  She'd be groggy and could potentially become a head spinning ogre without you.  Yeah, she's got her spongy little offspring to thank for her scrambled little head.  But hey, at least she's got extra bold French you to hold in her hand and sip as she pleases ♥  

I floss and have a kick ass electric tooth brush so you won't be seeing any coffee stains up in these pearly whites :)

re-organizational {frenzy}

So I've been spinning my wheels with organizing, organizing, organizing.  Actually, Re-Organizing.  Yes, I'm in one of those frenzies.  Mainly my garage which is really my sewing/craft  space /learning oasis which we call 'our class' is what I've been re-arranging, re-thinking, re-purposing, re-everything! Oh and did I mention how exhausting it is?  It's going to take me some real productive time to accomplish what my little brain in here is envisioning.  Of course the girls are constantly pulling me away from breaking some serious ground.  So, my bigger chunks of productive time has to happen in the wee hours of the night when the three little mice are tucked away and the Mama cat scratches away at her pathetic litter box with a bold cup of coffee in a declawed paw.  

I've started with all my fabric.  Fabric, fabric, fabric galore! I can't help it, every single time I walk in to the fabric or craft store, I end up walking out with at least one or two yards of something that includes thread count.  Am I a fabric addict?  Maybe!  When all else fails, cover it with fabric! No, really, my sewing area has been needing a re-vamping since like yesterday.  Here's a sneak peek at what's in store for me.  Promise not to laugh!

(Sound track to 'Jaws')

Ahhh!! Yikes! Tell me the truth, is it really THAT bad? I'm embarrassed!  

BUT I have started in a little bitty corner.  There is hope for my sewing/craft space already! 

So you see! I've started to neatly fold, place and tuck all my pretty, pretty fabric in a re-purposed utility cart.  That handy little cart used to be housed between my old washer and dryer.  I may spray paint it in a plum tone for some added color.  We'll see... 

Between today and tomorrow I plan to get some huge areas done.  I'll share my process and new found ideas with you.  My goal is to be able to sit comfortably in my sewing area and SEW without the need to stress about a mess all around me.  Also to let the two bigger girls get their little hands on sewing a simple thing or two for themselves.  I have so many cute projects in mind but I'll share those with you later :) 

While my frenzy is in full swing, I'm going to try my hardest to maintain the mind set of what that cute little wooden plaque above reads, 'peace begins with a smile' 
(a sweet little birthday gift from a dear and lovely friend- thank you E! ♥) 
because while I can't do it all in one, two or five days, 
I can certainly try to make the best of each little stride with my bold coffee in hand, of course.  

Stay tuned for the updates on this re-organizational {frenzy}!  Have a lovely Saturday! 

just go with it...{art therapy}

'Mommy, what should I paint today?' Sabrina asks me.

'I don't know, baby.  Paint what you feel.'  I tell her.

'Hmmm..., I just don't know what?'

'Just go with it.  Doesn't matter what comes out.   Just let your creativity take you to where it needs to go.'  I finally say to her.

She nods in agreement and places her blue paint filled brush to canvas.

It doesn't really matter what the outcome of an art project turns out to be.  What matters is how you feel when you're engaged in it.  I see the looks on my daughters' faces, as they scan and observe and tweak their art to fit whatever emotion, thought or general sense of being they are experiencing.  It's therapy! The feeling of 'just go with it' is liberating and inspiring.  There is no right or wrong way because each will have their own way.  Art is a huge part of our lives, this home, my family and our individual expressions.  

When I was a kid art was missing from my life.  What I mean by that is that I didn't have access to enjoying art as a creative outlet other than when I had an art class at school once a week.  I never knew how much I needed it until I had my own children.  I believe that all children are natural artists.  No, really, I do! What I admire is their ability to dabble in art without any barriers.  I love this!

Parents need art as much as children do.  Parents need a creative outlet to express themselves as well.  I love art, I love expression, I love how art makes such an enormous difference in my life.  There are days that the simple act of creating something siphons me out of my overwhelmed and/or down days.  When I paint or get creative with my daughters it's like peeling away a veil from my face and allowing the iridescent glow of wonder to escape their eyes and illuminate my vantage point.  Have fun, be creative and artful and enjoy it.

Here I display my children's art along with the depiction of my husband's artful eye.  

 Luna's bird house with dragon friend...she made a fence and chimney with wine corks...

Kalina's Pollock rendition...

Sabrina's Seurat rendition...  

Luna's Matisse rendition... 

A sampling of children's imagination of color and creativity... 


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