
I think that people that read my post on my 'childhood sexual abuse' were in shock.  Not so much that it 'happened' to me (I think) but that I chose to share it with the world.  Okay, yes, my story isn't the worst that people have heard or perhaps read about but it's still a true story told by the adult that the little innocent child lives inside of.  

My post created a wave of people who came forward, shared their stories (some for the very first time!) and supported my desire to 'voice' my story.  These stories make you think.  They make you think about all the people out there that haven't come forward.  Think about all the ways that these people are afraid.  Think about how they think that they have done something wrong or worse, that it's their fault that this has happened to them.  Think about that.  

Think about the little child that has no one to turn to because they are afraid that they will be called a 'liar', a 'bad person', a 'sick person' or whatever else you want to tag on to that statement.  Now think about the parent(s) of that child.  The parents that would never do something like this to their very own child.  Think about how they feel when the learn that their sweet, innocent, loving child has been violated in such a way.  I can only think that this is an awful reality.  Also think about those children that are hurt by their very own parent, not step-parent but their biological parent.  This thought is stomach turning, heart wrenching and simply horrific.  However you slice it, the thought of all these images is painful, pitiful and fucked up.  

I've since been thinking of the many ways that we can do something to help this atrociously rampant issue of Childhood Sexual Abuse.  It's simple.  Talk about it.  Share it.  Voice it.  Be a tool in this fight.  Think of all the ways that one more story will make a different.  Think of how loud that voice will be if you let it be heard.  I've thought of this. So while you may have read my story, you may have commented on it, you may have mentioned it to one or two or ten or twenty people, you can also become a part of this mission to voice it and help one more person down their healing journey.  I will be creating an organization apart from this blog where abused victims can come and 'voice' their stories either anonymously or openly.  It will be called 'Voice It' and it will allow individuals the opportunity to start healing.  This is in the early stages of development but I will gladly keep you abreast of further advances.  

We all have something to share in this world and if you've found it, more power to you.  This issue of Childhood Sexual Abuse is all around me and so avoiding it is not an option for me.  Voicing it will only fuel the pendulum to swing higher than it already has.  I can only thank all the people that have come forward so far and all the ones that have shared their stories with me.  Thank you again for all of your support.  

Vanessa Jubis

If you can dream it, you can do it.- Walt Disney~

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