The fresh crisp breeze, the blooming of vibrant flowers and the rustling leaves... oh how I do love Spring.
Rebirth, renewal and growth all falls hand in hand with Spring. It's no wonder that many of my life turning events have occurred in the Spring for me. One of the more positive events was marrying my soul mate and best friend which remains at the top of my life list.
Spring holds wonder and surprise. Birds chirping their lovely songs and bees buzzing about and pollinating.
This past week has allowed me to view my world in a vastly different scope with respect to the unknown. I've learned quite a few things, some that I've shared right here with you.
Spring is a beautiful time. There are new beginnings on the horizon for my family and I. I welcome the 'new' like the soil welcomes the rain and the trees welcome the sun.
There is never a moment that we can know all things but what I do know for sure is that I am breathing in the fresh spring air and allowing for my lungs to take in all the beauty and renewal that these mundane and magical moments have to offer.
I wish you all a lovely weekend...

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