UPDATE: Time is our friend

After the the terrible news of last week regarding the law that passed in Florida that will inevitably change the way my husband earns a secure living, we were pleased to learn that the PIP law will not go into effect until January 01, 2013.

I found this short video explaining the new law and how it affects the consumers at large.

We have about 10 months to get our affairs in order with respect to our game plan.  We've initiated a plan but only time and what is ultimately meant to be will reveal the final solution.

We're remaining optimistic and open to any new possibilities that are in store for us and we're continuing to plan ahead no matter what.

Time is our friend for the next 10 months.

1 comment:

HollyM said...

That is good news. Having a little more time to get everything order doesn't hurt! : )


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