I've shared with you the story of how I met my biological father, as well as, how I was partially raised by a pedophile because, well, I never owned another story. Until now.
You see, I have a Poppa.
He didn't watch me grow up or share the excitement when I lost my first tooth or eased my angst of starting Kindergarten or see my face light up on a Christmas morning or disapprove of my first dorky boyfriend or guide me emotionally when I thought the world was being unfair or teach me to ride a bicycle or put a band-aid on my first knee scrape or tried his hardest to brush my unruly hair or reprimanded me for disrespecting him or stayed up late while building me a Barbie dream house or take me on my first camping trip or let me eat all the M&M's I can stuff in my mouth no matter how badly my tummy would ache later or sing me "Happy Birthday" when I turned a decade old or help me with an erupting volcano science project (never did that one but wished I had) or beat the shit out of anyone who looked at me 'shifty-eyed' or tell me that all those pictures he took when I was going through my 'odd' teen years that I was still beautiful to him or make a run to the drug store late at night because I had run out of my girlie monthly toiletries without feeling embarrassed or take me to Disney World for the first time or.... The list can go on.
The list doesn't matter anymore.
I have a Poppa. Here is what he HAS done.
He's told me how much he loves me. He's told my three amazing daughters how much he loves them. He's genuine and sweet and sensitive toward my feelings. He's shown me, with his unconditional love, that no matter how much time has passed between us and no matter how much he missed out on due to unfortunate circumstances, he's grateful for what we have today. What we have right now. What we have right here, in this life and for the rest of our days. He's appointed himself grand'Poppa' to the girls with all the glee that a man can muster up.
He was there when his 'muffin girl' (Luna) lost a tooth. He was there to witness his little Kalina (he'd say, aka-'just like her Momma') put on all the band-aid's she could stick on her body no matter if she needed them or not. He was there to witness his Sabrina ride the bicycle he bought her super fast and without a care in the world. He was there to witness his 'daughter' and wife share a rare moment of legacy passing late one night in his dining room as tears of joy and wonder filled him to his core. He witnessed pure love and pure gratitude. He was there to witness the mother that I am. He knows the daughter that I am and the authenticity and compassion I embody. He is my blood. He is my Poppa.
{Poppa and his girls! He let them paint his nails,
put girlie things in his hair, lip-gloss,
a fancy shawl and lot's of giggles.
The best moments are these... }
He made a Proclamation:
Let it be known and understood, that from this day forward…the personage known as Vanessa Rufino Jubis will no longer be known as our niece to all common man and women worldwide.She will be our daughter without the need for permission from any person, court of law or family member. She shall be our girl, and her daughters shall be our grand-daughters and she will take her rightful moral place as sister to our natural children, and as our daughter. Our absolute love for her cannot be taken, erased or forgotten with the passage of time or amount of distance from our proximity.On the 26th of March 2012, she was the recipient of a mother’s legacy and love. She was given treasures that brought joy and smiles from the giver and the receiver alike. With her-self assured confidence, she stated that she knew it would look great on her and as I watched her try on things, I was thankful for her joy because of its genuine expression. Her face would light up with every gift…and then the realization struck her. She was being showered with love from far-away places, and the bond was being solidified all the more. When she was given prized memento’s of over 54 years…she would glow. Then she surveyed her legacy in front of her and her tears flowed, but she was warned not to do that or it would be all taken back…just a Mama’s white lie! It was her gift of love from the woman who held her love close, and now it was time to let her know in this small but significant way…she has always been our girl and it was time to let her know. We have no intention of taking her away from anyone, but understand that no one will ever take her away from us again. We shall dispatch with formalities of law and rely on the joy of love in this proclamation…so don’t say squat!Poppa Julio
{My Momma & Poppa}
This Father's Day marks the beginning of a journey with the Poppa I never knew I had, the love that never died and the absolute beauty this life has to offer.
Happy Father's Day to the best Poppa in the Universe! I love you more and more each day...
your girl ♥

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