Their friendship was special. They'd connected in a way that's virtually impossible to articulate.
A sisterly love was shared between them and was never broken.
Before they met, their hearts were left thousands of miles away. They had both emigrated from the same country, so this was a vital force in their friendship. It's inevitable to want to find those that share a common thread with us.
I've been fortunate enough to call one of these lovely individuals my friend, my sister and one of the few people I trust to leave my children with. She's thoughtful and caring and honest and available emotionally and authentically. I value this. I value her. I love her dearly...
I knew how heavy her heart was about the loss of connection with her friend. I felt it and it affected me. It pains me to see people suffering over misunderstandings. The fact that we are human and imperfect drives a force within me to want to make things better for those that need a listening ear or a compassionate heart.
The human condition fascinates and bewilders me...
Because I had shared my thoughts on the subject of her loss with my dear friend and had encouraged her to reach out to her friend, it was my sincere desire to see her re-kindle that relationship because love and the people we choose to be our family is sacred to me.
Loyalty and sincerity is my nature.
I know that we don't always get the family we want or understand why certain people are the way that they are but there is no doubt in my mind that we get the people we need. We never know how we are going to affect or inspire anyone at any given moment in our lives.
Yesterday, I took it upon myself to reach out to her friend. This is when I mention how Facebook has allowed for magical things to happen.
Magical things happened.
Her friend was open, available, receptive, loving and absolutely ready to re-connect with her! I sent a simple message that basically said:
"Hi! I've been meaning to tell you that there is someone who misses her friend. She needs you but is too embarrassed to tell you because so much time has passed. She may get angry at me for telling you but I had to because I love her too much not to try. There, I said it. I feel better... vj"Within moments I received a response from her. A positive one. She was over-the-moon delighted that I had shared this truth with her. She was grateful that I was sincere with her. She couldn't wait to speak to her friend.
This is where their journey, once again, begins.
The following day they spoke. They shared how much they missed one another. They let each other know how much they are loved. They've already planned to see one another for a joyous occasion and this simply brings a song to my heart.
I was thanked for a simple act. Two hearts were needing one another but simply didn't know how to bridge the gap. Sometimes we're given a role to partake in and our heart always knows when its the right moment to act upon it. For whatever reason, I was the catalyst to this chapter in their friendship.
Yesterday was my friend's son's birthday and the friend I reached out to is his Godmother.
She'd been thinking of her Godson all day....
It was a good day because when sincerity met reuniting everyones heart smiled...

That's wonderful! It such a challenge when you're so deep into an argument with a dear friend. Often it's reason is so silly. To show your respect of the friendship, like you did, is wonderful!
What a beautiful thing you were able to do! Such a happy story - love it. Thank you for sharing.
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