Continuing to cultivate compassion is what my mantra will be.
Today I am grateful for personal growth and awareness.
Continuing to be authentic in my actions and loyal to myself will be my modus operandi.
Today and everyday I will continue to remind my daughters to acknowledge those who love them because expressing gratitude and authenticity shines brighter than any star in the Universe.
Continuing to be an example for my daughters is my number one priority because I am their foundation.
Today I'm allowing my cloak of discontent to fall to the ground because the only cloak that will keep me warm and safe is love.
Continuing to sew the pieces of my life together is the only way I'll have a quilt large enough to cover all of those that are dear to me.
Today is a good day.
I continue to learn.
I continue to grow.
I continue to make mistakes and pick myself back up again.
I'm alive and I'm imperfect and I'm okay with this.

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