The show must go on

Ugg...don't you just love those days when you wake up feeling all congested and stuffed up and nose drippy and ass dragging and noise sensitive and all that jazz?

Of course you do! 

That would be moi.


I was completely fine last night.  I mean, really.  There were no signs of an onset of anything.  Until...

I half peeled my eyes open this morning and immediately wanted to sink further into my 'mouth breathing' slumber (yeah, the one where the roof of your mouth is all dry and feels like someone just waxed it and your tongue could be hung in the sand paper section of Home Depot.  THAT one.), the girls were all clamoring for breakfast and Spongebob (yes, that pesky little yellow obnoxious thing.) Three voices exclaiming 'Mommy!' were vibrating at high decibels with rumbling tummies.

So I stumbled out of bed, blew my drippy nose into my moth eaten t-shirt (no time for tissues), continued on into the kitchen, washed my hands, grabbed individual goat yogurt cups from the fridge (blueberry, strawberry, blueberry, respectively) and set them on the counter.

'Good morning, girls.  Here's your breakfast.  Eat.'

Three pairs of blue and green eyes looked up at me and then quickly plunged their spoons into the creamy yogurt.  They ate.

The girls didn't even question my blasé breakfast because they knew what was up with mommy.

The dog?  The dog didn't utter an 'arf' which is her lingo for 'food.'  Nope.  She knew what was up too and it wasn't my spirits.

Hubby?  No peep out of Hubby either.  He didn't even ask me to whip up his daily spinach & goat cheese omelet.  Instead, I got a sweet kiss on my forehead and an 'I love you.'

It sucks feeling sick and 'blah.'  It sucks because no matter how bad you're feeling you still have to tend to all the little people and things and moments that are calling for your attention.  All.  The.  Little.  Things.  There is no time for shouting out 'I'm sick today!' because it just wouldn't make a difference.  We do the best that we can even when our best is a blasé breakfast and allowing the kids to give the dog goldfish crackers for breakfast.  Goldfish crackers?  Oy...

Things get a little more chaotic when us moms are under the weather and its quite okay to use your pajama t-shirt to blow your snots out.  Who cares!  We're bound to have these 'darnitwhyintheworlddidIhavetogetsicknow?!' moments.  It comes with the territory.  No matter what, the show must go on.

How do you manage when you're sick and 'blah'?  

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