Surprisingly, I wasn't able to get as much writing as I thought I would. I made a Vlog about that.
Now we're getting back to our day to day life. The adjustment has been a bit challenging. There's always work to be done in order to get back on track. The house is upside down, I have about 5 days worth of laundry to do and I've clearly fallen behind on my writing.
Never. Enough. Time.
In any case, I'm trying and slowly getting myself back on track. I think? I hope! I'm playing catch up...
What I've learned in this instance is that sometimes you have to disconnect in a way to gain some or most of your senses back. It's been tough.
And by the way, balance is so overrated!
I often wonder if balance actually exists?
I don't believe that there ever really is a 'middle' balance. You're either leaning too far left or too far right and not ever in the middle. I guess a trapeze artist has really got that balance act down to a science! I should go take a lesson or two from one of them.
In the meantime, I'll continue to keep trying. I'm optimistic!

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