Yes, I too have days (actually many, many days) that I become nothing short of a nose flaring, throat grunting, wide-eyed and teeth-grinding swamp mother that wants to eat her kids. And, no, not the kind of eating that entails a "you're so cute I can't get enough of your sweetness" kind of way! Puh-leeze.
Today is one of THOSE days.
My girls have come very close to me having to naturally expulse my Diva Cup from the sheer frustration I've been experiencing (yes, the Diva Cup, that soft and brilliant little silicone cup you wear during your menstruation.) Sorry for the gory description here but I'm really needing to vent. It could be worse. By the way and as a side note, the Diva Cup is one of the best modern day 'Aunt Flo' inventions EVER. Ever. No joke.
Maybe its my cycle or maybe, just maybe it's the fact that there WILL be days that your kids will drive you insane and simply NOT listen to a word you say, ask OR demand. Period.
Oh the joys of motherhood...
So today my name is, "Ogre Mama", and I'm totally okay with this. I'm FAR from perfect, I've made a MILLION mistakes (and counting) and I'm entitled to calling myself an Ogre from time to time (not you, me.)
Motherhood isn't always blissful or pleasant or enjoyable or relaxing or fulfilling or even exciting. Motherhood is always changing and always surprising and always exhausting and often exasperating and sometimes life sucking and boggling. Motherhood simply is, well, motherhood.
No. I don't have my stuff together.
No. My house isn't always clean.
No. My kids don't take baths everyday.
No. My list of "to-do's" rarely get done.
Yes. I have a permanent pile of 'when I get around to it' stuff.
Yes. My laundry gets done when DH says he needs clean underwear.
Yes. My kids eat everyday even if it's 'breakfast' for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.
Yes. I homeschool too.
On most days, I'm Mama. Here, I'm Mama Scribble. Some days, I'm Ogre Mama. Other days I'm still figuring it all out. What about you?

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