The simplest of things, like picking strawberries, can make you feel so alive.
There is something about being that connected with the earth...
You lose yourself in the moment. You don't care about the small stuff. You just are...
A plump, red and ripe little fruit can make you wonder how amazing the small gestures of nature really are. We are simply a tiny speck compared to the grandeur of it all.
A speck, like the tiny seeds on a single strawberry.
Moments that come and go. Experiences that shape us. A frozen snapshot in time.
Laughter comes easily when you haven't a care in the world and
when you're allowed to be simple and free.
Memories flood the pathways of a nippy strawberry field.
I remember a time when I thought things couldn't get any worse but then they got better.
I believed it. I willed it. I made it.
I can have strawberry fields forever...

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