(Pronounced- Oo-bah-nee-ya)
She had a thick hispanic accent.
I had never heard such a name. I asked her where she was from and she said, "Honduras." Ubania was kind to me and we instantly became friends. I liked Ubania because she was different and I had always felt different, not because she and I looked alike but because I never felt that I fit in with other kids, kind of like she did. I was quiet and to myself and always observing others, I guess the little writer in me was working at a young age. Ubania was shy and insecure of how she 'sounded' but I never made her feel like she needed to try too hard.
I got Ubania and she got me and that was all that mattered.
One day, Ubania came to school with sliced green mangos sprinkled with salt in a zip lock sandwich bag. She offered me one and I instantly loved it. This made her happy, I remember.
"This is what we eat in my country!" she told me excitedly.
Every time Ubania smiled, her gums would expose themselves in a way that they always looked like the color of an eggplant against her stark white teeth. Her hair... her hair was amazing. Long to her waist, jet black (almost navy blue like) and incredibly shiny. I loved her hair and told her often. She'd always say, "thank you."
But this isn't so much about Ubania as it is about being kind. The kindness experienced was so subtle but still, I remember it so vividly.
Kindness is a simple act. One that takes little effort but that is felt profoundly. I believe that when you are kind to others, that same energy reciprocates itself back to you, somehow.
When you love yourself, you will be kind to yourself and others. When you appreciate small things, you will notice the littlest forms of kindness and you'll be glad you did because they'll make you smile.
Kind is letting a bunny sleep in your arms...
Kind are two animals co-habitating in harmony...
Kind is spotting a tiny ladybug and allowing it to live in peace...
Kind is holding my dog's paw...
Kind is my daughter creating a simple painting and gifting it to her cousin on his birthday...
Kind is a loved one holding my child's hand and making her feel secure...
The world needs more kind hearts...

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