The slow pace and polite locals has been a relaxing change for me and I've taken it all in. Really.
This is the polar opposite of what home is like.
The truth? It's real damn hard to be parenting solo. Read me again, 'real hard.' Don't get me wrong, it seems that back at home its no different because DH works so much anyway. But something IS definitely different. For one, at home I get to vomit my frustration to him and he'll hug me and say, 'Yeah, I know... I know... let's watch a movie.'
Note: As I write this post, my eldest has come out of the room for the third time complaining that her 'sisters' are not letting her sleep. Ugh!!!!!
The girls have gotten quite comfortable with how and when they misbehave while away from home. My aunt and uncle have been pure joy and love to us four. The girls seem to have banked on that one. The sass that the older two often show becomes quite infuriating. I've kept my cool and have dealt with it much more calmly than I would back at home. This is good for me, I guess. I'm always learning.
Another truth: I know nothing. I'm a mom and I make tons of mistakes. Period.
The baby gets away with most of the acting up. Smart on her part? Not sure. She'll gingerly tip-toe to my side and nuzzle my arm for me to pick her up if I'm frustrated at her. She'll do the same to everyone else in the house and wins! She definitely has our number.
Note: The baby came out after being 'asleep' 30 minutes ago and asked me to take off her band-aid. Still trying to finish this post.
What gets me the most is when I get tough with them (the kind of tough that says 'go sit in the room alone for 5 minutes') and they start whining and crying, 'Daddy! I want Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!'
What?! Seriously?!
That right there totally kicks me in the ass because back at home it would still be ME disciplining and reprimanding and so on and so forth! Ugh.
I don't get it. Really.
Note: Daughter #2 came out 15 minutes following the little one and said, 'I'm thirsty.' No joke.
So the parenting thing on my own has been exasperating at times. It can be easy to take for granted when there is another parent around to take the lead or pick up where you've left off. Everyone needs a break.
Believe me, the first thing I plan to do when I get back home is say, 'Hi honey, we're home! Here, take the kids for 6 hours! Have a blast and honey, please don't call. Muah!'
I. Need. ME. Time.
I love my girls. Anyone that reads me or knows me personally can attest to the dedication and admiration I have for them. I've learned (and am still learning), like most parents are, to let go of the small things and to get tough when you really have to. It's never easy. Whether you have back up or are doing it solo, parenting is not a walk in the park.
Still, I'm looking forward to my reality of having a dedicated and loving husband and father waiting for us to arrive back home. I bet he can't wait to hear all the craziness and loud shrieks he's been missing in our home. Then I can relax a little. Just a little.

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