Sticking to "9's"

The girls and I went to see Tim Burton's new movie, "9". Fifteen minutes into the movie, the two little ones fell asleep and the older one followed twenty minutes after that. I was able to watch the movie without interruptions! I must say that I loved the message the movie gave and the subtle ways that it emitted this message. 9, the character, is a tenacious and resilient little burlap made automaton. One of the most endearing qualities of his character is his humble spirit. This most important messages that I gathered from this fantastic film were:

1. Think for yourself
2. Ask many questions (no matter what).
3. Be brave (you'll "forget to remember to be scared").
4. Follow your passions.
5. Don't be driven by fear.
6. Have compassion.
7. Never give up.
8. The sky is the limit.
9. Make the absolute best with what you have. Period.
(No, I did not list 9 on purpose, it just strangely came out that way!)

All of these messages are life lessons and tools that we could all live by. I especially love these messages for children because they are so full of intrigue, thirst for information (not the type we spoon feed to them-but what they seek) and are full of life. Children have the capacity to ask their own questions without grown ups feeling like they 'need' to butt in to their creative learning process. Children are learning all of the time and they don't need to live their lives memorizing mundane information. Especially things that they are not passionate about. This is what I love and admire about being a 'facilitator' to my children and not a 'director'. They live in the moment and they are present with what is happening now, not yesterday and not tomorrow. This is true peace. This is true beauty. This is true life. As the movie imparts with one at the end, "The world is ours and it's what we make of it".

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