Distance and home

The girls and I have been away from home only since last Friday but it feels like forever.

I miss my darling husband and his kisses.  I miss my dog and her barking.  I miss my baby bunny and his hopping.  I miss the scent of my room and my pillow.

This is what distance does.  It makes you miss stuff.  It also makes you appreciate and love all of those things even more.

The girls are having the time of their lives.  Visiting our family this time has been a true wonder.  My aunt and uncle treat me more like a daughter and my girls like their granddaughters because their hearts are just so very special.  This is how they are, loving, gentle, generous and available for us.  I could not have asked for anything more genuine but more so, belonging to me by blood.  This is the feeling I've often searched for—a family that I belong to.  

I am home.  It feels great.  It is what I've always hoped I had somewhere.

This is what my family is like... simple & happy

Happiness in a cherry blossom tree...

Family is togetherness even after a long distance... (Chris and Me with Kalina and Luna) 

Family is silly moments that last a lifetime... (Chris & Kalina)

Family is laughing and sharing...

Family is making memories and looking at past ones...

Family is this... colorful.

Happiness with a loose tooth!

Happiness is getting to wear as many band-aids as we want... thanks to family that spoil us! 

So far, my 'parents' have given me an opportunity to peek into the love and adoration they've always had for me.  I miss my home, yes, but I would not want to miss any more of all this here.  For this, I am eternally grateful and thrilled.   

Tips on traveling with children

Traveling with children is probably one of the most stressful events for me.  It totally sucks BUT it doesn't have to be entirely terrible.

I'll share with you some ways to help ease the angst and the craziness of traveling with your little darlings.

  • Plan ahead- The earlier you start planning and preparing things, the easier it'll be for YOU.  Trust me on this.  
  • Keep it simple- Ship stuff you don't want to take in your luggage to your final destination. 
  • Check your airline- Find out before hand about baggage fees and car seat requirements.
  • Take snacks on your flight- Kiddies get antsy and hungry so snacks will calm them.
  • Be Realistic- Meltdowns happens.  
Happy travels!

Daughters: Raising strength & compassion

Before I ever had children, I often thought of how difficult it was being a woman in this world.  Women have been oppressed, repressed, objectified, abused and belittled, among many other things.

I've especially thought about the 'war on women's choice' that is upon us.  As a woman who values my body and the incredible ways that it can grow 'life', I take great offense to individuals, groups, ideologies and anyone else that feels that they have a right to decide how or what I (we women) 'choose' to do with it.  Namely, our uterus'.

I have three daughters — three.  One day they will be deciding and choosing the same things that I chose as a young girl, a young woman and now a mother with respect to their body and reproductive system.  It is my duty to raise and teach each one of my daughters body awareness, body acceptance and respect toward themselves.  They will know that they too have choices that are no one else's responsibility but their own.

In addition, I must also make them aware of the grim reality of sexual abuse.  This is never an easy topic but it MUST be spoken about and explained.  My daughters know that 1 in 3 girls is sexually abused.  My daughters know that 90% of sexual abuse comes from a known and trusted friend or family member.  They know that their own mother has put great effort and awareness into peeling away her own layers of shame from being a victim of abuse.  I did it for them and for the many that have yet to shed that skin.  My daughters know this because I have been open and honest with them about the facts.  They know that their bodies belong to them and no one else.

I am a feminist mother.  What I mean by this is that I am shaping and changing the norms of motherhood by raising strong and compassionate daughters.  I am a mother who cares about the well being of others. I am a mother who knows that motherhood brings forth opportunities, insights and allows us to strip down to the raw self.  I am a mother who wants her daughters to know that it does not matter what you choose in this life so long as you choose it with passion and heart.  I am a mother who values and admires all walks of life because every single one of us matters.  This altruism only exemplifies my passion for change and acceptance of women globally.  My daughters are watching and listening and mimicking my actions.  They will one day bring this to the world.

Compassion is holding a hand out for a rape victim. Compassion is comforting a child you did not birth.  Compassion is listening to the pain of a mother who has lost her child. Compassion is easing the angst of a woman who chose to abort her child for reasons that most would not understand and letting her know, "It's okay." Compassion is not damning the choice of others because they do not concord with your own. Compassion is what connects each and every one of us as a whole. Compassion is Universal and it speaks the same language globally.  We simply have to listen and feel it.  Be it.
"For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men."- Isabel Allende
Compassion and strength go hand in hand.  My daughters will have the strength to know that we women have the power to make great changes in the world along with the compassion to bring forth unity, acceptance and love.
"Compassion, from birth, is in our blood." -Dalai Lama
What I am doing now is what will shape the women they will inevitably become.  I am authentic in my actions.

They will have choices to make.  I will tell them that their voice matters.

They will face difficult decisions and adversity.  I will tell them that no matter the challenge they may have to face, if they have enough will and courage, they will succeed, sometimes with no applause.

In the world we live in today it is of the utmost importance that my daughters realize and own that being vulnerable is NOT weakness because without vulnerability there is no change.  I want them to be free to express their thoughts, creativity and talents without feeling the stigma of being labeled 'woman.'
"Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage."- Brené Brown  
This is not to say that all men are stifling women and girls.  I am not about the vilifying of all men.  My daughters are fortunate to have a father that encourages, embraces and celebrates the incredible minds and efforts of his daughters and women as a whole.  He is the epitome of compassion toward the feminine.  Him having an incredibly talented, intelligent and graceful mother himself lends to one of the reasons why he is this way.  His mother was raised by a progressive and feminine embracing father. Her father honored her strengths and place in this world as a woman.  She was lucky like my daughters are.

I am a skeptic.  I question most things.  I trust few.  The one thing I know for sure is that compassion is strong and women have an amazing talent to nurture themselves and grow from even the most unfortunate of situations. We begin this journey by being mothered and perhaps later mothering our own children and ourselves.  Even if the mothering you received wasn't stellar or admirable or even worth telling, the seed of our worth was planted and nurtured in some magical way.  I am proof of this.

My daughters are the future.  My daughters carry the flame that keeps the fires of humanity alive because without their miraculous organ of the uterus and their passionate hearts and compassionate souls and expressive creativity, this world would be at a great loss for the potential of what 'women' and humanity as a whole can bring forth.

I owe it to my daughters to be all the things that most people have said I could not DO or BE because courage begins with allowing oneself to be vulnerable.  I am raising an example of who I know all women can be. Strength and compassion inevitably follow along for the remainder of our purpose in this world.
"In the human experience, the relationship between a mother and her child is the closest to compassion."- Osho  
I am mothering and raising and expressing myself for the girls of this world, for the daughters of this world, for the women of this world, for my paternal and maternal ancestors, for me and for them, my own daughters.  

On a lighter note: Georgia bound!

Remember when I wrote about the amazing gift I received from my Aunt & Uncle? Well, if you didn't read it you can find it here.

After receiving that 'proof of little wonder' and how it moved me beyond what I had ever expected, I immediately planned a trip to go up and visit them.  I knew that it was time for us to reunite once again and this time with my three amazing daughters for them to love as well.

We'll be heading out to Georgia this weekend! I've decided to spend 2 entire weeks with them because a short weekend will not suffice.

My Uncle has already been making preparations for our arrival, more for the girls because he already got all three of them their own bikes!

I know that they're just as excited as I am.  I'm a bit worried about the intense noise level that my girls will be brining to their lovely abode. Yikes!  There is never a dull moment with three very spirited and curious little girls.  I just cannot wait to see the look on their faces...

I'm hoping to have more time to sit and continue working on my current book while visiting them.  We'll see... I'll be blogging and writing and sharing our visit either way.

The other night, my husband said to me right before I zonked out,
"You know, I saw your book in Barnes & Noble."

"You did, did you?" I responded.

"I'm putting it out there for you!" He continued.

"Was it on the New York Times Bestseller list?" I asked.

"Oh, well, I couldn't see THAT much." He said.  I just chuckled and thanked him for believing in me.

UPDATE: Time is our friend

After the the terrible news of last week regarding the law that passed in Florida that will inevitably change the way my husband earns a secure living, we were pleased to learn that the PIP law will not go into effect until January 01, 2013.

I found this short video explaining the new law and how it affects the consumers at large.

We have about 10 months to get our affairs in order with respect to our game plan.  We've initiated a plan but only time and what is ultimately meant to be will reveal the final solution.

We're remaining optimistic and open to any new possibilities that are in store for us and we're continuing to plan ahead no matter what.

Time is our friend for the next 10 months.


A giggle, a smirk, a caress.

A tap, a hug, a smile.

A wordless, "I'll sit here with you for a while."

Most of us can agree that when words fail us, there is always the physical language that we can rely on.


These moments happen more often than not.  Words aren't enough, at times.
Words can't soothe, always.  Words interfere, sometimes.  

Body language.  It speaks volumes.

It can cure simple woes with a simple touch.
It can remind you that you're alive and breathing.
Hugs can hold you together when everything else is falling apart.

The first time I met my mother-in-law, it was at a wedding of about 400 people.  I was nervous.  I was actually meeting just about every family member that I'd one day marry into at the same time in one big place.

I stood in a crowd of happy guests and people dancing all around me.  My boyfriend, now husband, assured me that there was nothing I needed to worry about.  Earlier that day he left a bouquet of brilliant yellow roses at my apartment along with a note he had written that read "I know that my family will see in you, the same bright star that brought a song to my heart."

Sure enough, in the midst of an overwhelming cacophony of voices and music, we met.  Perhaps it was the loud music or my surprise with her adorable stature (she's 4'10-I think) but I was lost for words.  But words were not needed.  Instead, I slightly bent over and kissed her cheek and smiled.  In return, she held my hand and gently squeezed it while smiling back with a sincere squint in her eyes.

There were no need for words because at that very instant her simple touch said it all.  We made a connection and it has only grown stronger and closer over the years.  I will never forget that day or how I felt.  I find this to be simply magical.      

Eye contact, it connects you and grounds you in an instant.
A gentle palm on the middle of your back... or a slight squeeze of the forearm.

Words don't matter when the eyes or the body speaks.

The other day I cupped my daughter's face in the palms of my hands.  Our faces were inches apart.  I looked into her eyes, she looked into mine and we smiled.  We listened to our eyes and heard each other.  Nothing else was needed.    

When words fail or simply have no place in a moment, there are always hugs or the simple act holding of someone's hand.  Touch IS universal and powerful...


The fresh crisp breeze, the blooming of vibrant flowers and the rustling leaves...  oh how I do love Spring.

Rebirth, renewal and growth all falls hand in hand with Spring.  It's no wonder that many of my life turning events have occurred in the Spring for me.  One of the more positive events was marrying my soul mate and best friend which remains at the top of my life list.

Spring holds wonder and surprise.  Birds chirping their lovely songs and bees buzzing about and pollinating.

This past week has allowed me to view my world in a vastly different scope with respect to the unknown.  I've learned quite a few things, some that I've shared right here with you.

Spring is a beautiful time.  There are new beginnings on the horizon for my family and I.  I welcome the 'new' like the soil welcomes the rain and the trees welcome the sun.

There is never a moment that we can know all things but what I do know for sure is that I am breathing in the fresh spring air and allowing for my lungs to take in all the beauty and renewal that these mundane and magical moments have to offer.

I wish you all a lovely weekend...

Struck but staying STRONG

A little over a month ago a law in my state was proposed to change the way Chiropractors, Massage Therapists and Acupuncturists earn a living.  Read $0.  The lawmakers' game plan was mainly to eradicate and tackle the issue of fraud in this state.

The law passed 22-17 vote in the Senate this past week and many professionals are shell shocked.

My husband is a Chiropractor.  He's an honest, hard working and dedicated man.  He's upheld his profession to the highest degree and believes in the power to make a difference through the human touch.

His ultimate goal is to run a full wellness practice to serve the public in their desire to be healthy, happy and non-subluxated.  Unfortunately, we live in a city that makes it difficult to run a full wellness practice because the truth is, most want a 'quick fix' and plastic surgery takes the cake here.  It's the truth.  Wellness is not a priority where we live.

Anything is possible but when you have an uphill battle to run against and now a bulldozer law that forces my husband's profession to make nil, the outlook is bleak.  We have many options to consider and the thought of it all is extremely scary.  The unknown is always stress inducing.

I've filled my Facebook page with status updates on my thoughts about all this and many have offered their support and encouragement on the 'what's next?' aspect of it.

I know that 'everything happens for a reason' and that when 'one door closes, another one opens' but it still feels debilitating and shocking all at once for a person to handle.  I've kept a calm and strong head throughout all this.  I guess that there could be worse things, right?! 

My family is healthy, strong and able to do many things.  I know that nothing can stop us from making our lives anything but amazing, even if there are some bumpy roads ahead of us.
Unity and strength will carry us FORWARD.  We all want the best for our families and options are always a good place to start.

"When life gets you down you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming!" 
-Dory (Finding Nemo)   

Because I hold an terminal (meaning that I can teach at University level) MFA in Creative Writing, I'm hoping to find some kind of teaching position either at a local college or online (whichever comes first!)  Freelance writing is always and open option too.  I know that something will open up for me.  I'm confident!  There is much to consider but I'm extremely positive about the road ahead.    

I'm throwing this out to the Universe and to the higher powers beyond me, hear my plea!

I have the courage and the passion to move forward, no matter what.

I wrote this earlier on my FB:
"When adversity stands IN your way, push it OUT of the way. When the odds are AGAINST you, prove them WRONG. When all the chips fall to the ground, pick them up and hold your head up HIGH. When your options are slim, think BIGGER and CREATE something OUTSIDE of the box. When you think that there is nothing left to consider, turn to the people that TRULY love and support you because there is not ONE thing that one cannot overcome because NO ONE can take away your DIGNITY, KNOWLEDGE or WORTH. Where a WILL exists there will always be a WAY to get there." - Vanessa Jubis

Thank you to my friends and family that have already offered your words of encouragement through this gray moment in our lives.  You. are. my. heart.

The beat of it

heart │härt│noun
・the heart, regarded as the center of a person's thoughts and emotions, esp. love or compassion.

The heart beats to keep us alive.  It pumps to maintain a flow in our miraculous and mysterious system we call the human body.

We worry about the heart if it falters.  Other things can become compensated but the heart... the heart must remain fierce.  No matter what, the heart is and will always be a vital organ.

But the heart is also a symbol of love.

A symbol of compassion.

A symbol of deep rooted emotions in terms of the self.

When a force is bigger than one can handle, it is the heart that takes the brunt of it.

It is also the heart that drives us to do great things.

When a person does something out of malice or contempt, it is not done with heart.
No, the heart cannot sustain such power.  

The heart can only deliver love and compassion and joy and bliss.  This is what I believe.

It can hold sorrow.  It can hold sadness.  It can hold regret.  It can even hold unbearable grief.
If it tries to hold hate, it only remains in a state of toxic energy and the beat of it changes.

The beat of the heart becomes different.  Not rhythmic, you see, because what becomes absent is so vital to the heart that it slowly withers into itself and only ends up providing the necessary purpose to keep one alive.

What happens to the passion?  What happens to the love?  What happens to the joy and the bliss and the compassion towards the simple things that makes the heart sing and beat in a certain way?

It is lost.

It is absent.

The heart is not content.

When you do what you love, your heart feels it.  When you show someone you love them, your heart feels it.  When you pray for someone you love, your heart feels it.

When you wish upon someone the most beautiful things this life can offer, your heart feels it.
When you hold your baby for the very first time, your heart feels it.

When you kiss someone you love for the very last time, your heart feels it.
When you've been given a gift that has no monetary value, your. heart. feels. it.

Things that come from the heart are powerful and majestic.

When I feel like things could not get any worse or better, I know that no matter what, my heart will continue to beat the way it has for a very long time.  It's the beat of it that makes this feeling so very special.

I do things with heart because otherwise, what's the point?

The power of words

I was wondering the other day just how many words does a person actually 'utter' each day?  How do you measure that?  I think of random things, I guess.

Then I thought, what about the people who'd rather not speak that much?  Or the ones who speak too much?  Or the ones who want to speak but can't?  Goodness, the list can go on, right?

In all this thought about words, I came to think of the actual 'power' of words.


They hold energy.

They hold force.

They hold power and love and hate and inspiration and creativity and strife and pain and compassion.

Words hold a whole lot of things.

I then began to recall how words can do great harm.
"You are worthless."
"Nobody loves you."
"I hate you."
"I wish you'd never existed." 
 Those statements up there are powerful in a negative way.  They are like swords with sharp edges as if to inflict the deepest level of pain.  Those words are not forgotten...

I recently read a wonderful study on water and intent.  The author wrote about how the power of 'intent' made a significant and proven difference in something as simple as water.
"The water was blessed or prayed upon by Rabbis for a specific amount of time, thus infusing the water with the prayers. I even came across plastic bottled spring waters in Whole Foods that had mantras on them."-Kiel Pollit
Even an element like water can undoubtedly be affected by our words.  The power of our words can make or break anything.  When placed under a microscope, the water 'showed' the effect of words upon it.
"Merely, writing positive words and affirmations on the sides of water bottles had a similar effect, where negative words made the water lackluster and positive words created beautiful formations."-Keil Pollit
I tell my daughters to choose their words 'wisely' because once said, they cannot be easily taken back.  Once the word(s) is out, it sticks to whatever was its target.

Sure, they get upset and want to rage at each other with hurtful things like, 'you're stupid!' or 'I'm a winner and you're a loser!' I don't like hearing these things from them so it's my job to correct the behavior.

I encourage communication, and discussion and arriving at a 'middle ground' when no one seems to be content because no matter what happens, the only thing that will always remain is love and compassion.

I know how words can make a difference or break a child's spirit.  I know this because I've felt this.  I've heard this.  I've been inflicted with powerfully negative words as well as, powerfully positive ones.  The latter ones I've held onto tightly and owned.

Words, whether positive or negative, stick to everything.  Period.      

I know that my use of words will sear an image, emotion or association in my children's minds.

I stumble upon beautiful words.  I share them with people I love.  I create and string together words of my own to show and feel and make authentic connections.  I. Love. Words...  

I dislike how words are used to judge and beat down and squash others.  Those words hurt.
They stick like a fly drowning in molasses.

My fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Smith, used her words to encourage and inspire and to tell me, "Laura, no matter what you do, no matter where you came from, always know that you are worth it and you are strong. Keep your head up high, beautiful."

Her words stuck to me like walking through a cob web or like a floating dandelion in the breeze.  

Everything begins with the words I choose.  With every word I utter, I am invariably forming the lives of my daughters with how I verbalize things to them.

My tone matters.

My intent matters.

My choice matters.

My words matter.

Words are power and I want nothing more than to bring love and wonder to them through my words.

Here is the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto on "Water Consciousness and Intent"

How are your words making a difference?   

'Oh the thinks...!' A celebration

Today was another one of those special days.  Yes, it was! We celebrated a brilliant mind, a wild imagination and a writer's words that more than likely played a role in each of our learning to read.

The fabulous Theodore Seuss Geisel a/k/a Dr. Seuss!

Celebrations were in order at our local children's museum.  Happy 108th Dr. Seuss! 

Thing 1

Thing 2

Thing 3

We watched a fun and 'live' production of 'Green Eggs and Ham' and later heard two 'Seuss' stories read aloud to an auditorium of about 200 children.  Stories were followed by all of us singing 'Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss' and yummy CUPCAKES for the kiddies.  

In no particular order, the girls have all chosen THEIR favorite Dr. Seuss book:

Sabrina: 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
Luna: 'Green Eggs and Ham'
Kalina: 'Horton Hears a Who'

My favorite is: 'Oh, the Thinks you can Think!'

Here's to a great day celebrating the wonder and life of Dr. Seuss...

"We had fun, we had smiles we heard lot's of laughter for miles..."-vj


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