The power of words

I was wondering the other day just how many words does a person actually 'utter' each day?  How do you measure that?  I think of random things, I guess.

Then I thought, what about the people who'd rather not speak that much?  Or the ones who speak too much?  Or the ones who want to speak but can't?  Goodness, the list can go on, right?

In all this thought about words, I came to think of the actual 'power' of words.


They hold energy.

They hold force.

They hold power and love and hate and inspiration and creativity and strife and pain and compassion.

Words hold a whole lot of things.

I then began to recall how words can do great harm.
"You are worthless."
"Nobody loves you."
"I hate you."
"I wish you'd never existed." 
 Those statements up there are powerful in a negative way.  They are like swords with sharp edges as if to inflict the deepest level of pain.  Those words are not forgotten...

I recently read a wonderful study on water and intent.  The author wrote about how the power of 'intent' made a significant and proven difference in something as simple as water.
"The water was blessed or prayed upon by Rabbis for a specific amount of time, thus infusing the water with the prayers. I even came across plastic bottled spring waters in Whole Foods that had mantras on them."-Kiel Pollit
Even an element like water can undoubtedly be affected by our words.  The power of our words can make or break anything.  When placed under a microscope, the water 'showed' the effect of words upon it.
"Merely, writing positive words and affirmations on the sides of water bottles had a similar effect, where negative words made the water lackluster and positive words created beautiful formations."-Keil Pollit
I tell my daughters to choose their words 'wisely' because once said, they cannot be easily taken back.  Once the word(s) is out, it sticks to whatever was its target.

Sure, they get upset and want to rage at each other with hurtful things like, 'you're stupid!' or 'I'm a winner and you're a loser!' I don't like hearing these things from them so it's my job to correct the behavior.

I encourage communication, and discussion and arriving at a 'middle ground' when no one seems to be content because no matter what happens, the only thing that will always remain is love and compassion.

I know how words can make a difference or break a child's spirit.  I know this because I've felt this.  I've heard this.  I've been inflicted with powerfully negative words as well as, powerfully positive ones.  The latter ones I've held onto tightly and owned.

Words, whether positive or negative, stick to everything.  Period.      

I know that my use of words will sear an image, emotion or association in my children's minds.

I stumble upon beautiful words.  I share them with people I love.  I create and string together words of my own to show and feel and make authentic connections.  I. Love. Words...  

I dislike how words are used to judge and beat down and squash others.  Those words hurt.
They stick like a fly drowning in molasses.

My fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Smith, used her words to encourage and inspire and to tell me, "Laura, no matter what you do, no matter where you came from, always know that you are worth it and you are strong. Keep your head up high, beautiful."

Her words stuck to me like walking through a cob web or like a floating dandelion in the breeze.  

Everything begins with the words I choose.  With every word I utter, I am invariably forming the lives of my daughters with how I verbalize things to them.

My tone matters.

My intent matters.

My choice matters.

My words matter.

Words are power and I want nothing more than to bring love and wonder to them through my words.

Here is the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto on "Water Consciousness and Intent"

How are your words making a difference?   

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