The case for the butterfly net

Meet my daughter, Luna.  Birth order: middle child.  Age: 5.  Disposition: cautious but clever.  Her theory on butterfly nets?  Find out here:

Me: "Luna, I can't walk though this living room without tripping on all these toys. I asked you three times already, PICK THEM UP!" (my nose is flaring at this point).

Luna: "Okay, okay, Mom! I will, I will!"

I leave the living room and go sit at my desk to contemplate the stack of bills we have yet 'to pay.'
Sabrina walks over.

Sabrina:  "Mom, can you charge my iPod?"

Me: "Okay, in a sec."

Sabrina: "Mom, please do it now cause you always say in a sec and then don't do it?"

Me: "Uggghhh...Okay!"

Sabrina leaves and within minutes, along comes Luna.

Luna: "Mommy, I have a surprise!"

Me: "Okay, what is it?"

Luna: "Look over there." (she points to the living room)

Me: "Wow, you picked up all the toys!"

Luna: "Yes, I did!"

Me: "How did you do it so fast?"

Luna: "I used a butterfly net."

There you have it.  So, according to Luna, butterfly nets are not just for catching butterflies.  Go figure!

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