{Disney} plus three girls

My husband had a grand idea:

He said, 'Let's take Luna to Disney for her 6th birthday instead of spending the money on a party and all that work for you.'

and I said, 'Fabulous!'

That was it.  I loved his idea and I was actually happy to not have to put another party together.  Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love creating and decorating and baking and really getting into my girls' birthday parties.  It's fun and exhausting and wonderful overall.  Really.  It is!

We decided to keep it as a secret surprise for the girls.  We figured that if we'd tell them before, the excitement just wouldn't be the same.  We were so glad we waited.

Off we went.  To Disney.  The Magic Kingdom.  We hadn't taken the girls to Disney since, uh...2009.  Kalina was way too young to even remember it (less than 2 years old).  This time, we were actually really excited about their reaction, you know, because they're older now!

Several days before our big Disney adventure, I got sick.  No, really sick.  Super. Duper. Sick.  A flu.  Blah.  It was terrible.  I almost cancelled the entire thing until I found out that I would not get a full refund for our pre-booked hotel.  Poor Sabrina got sick the night we arrived.  She woke up the next day (the big day) congested and feverish but there was no turning back now.

I find myself chuckling at what we parents are reduced to for the sake of an exciting thrill.  But hey, when it comes to your kids, 'prepare to be amazed' is a serious understatement.

The news captured in our hotel room

Sick or not, Sabrina was excited.  Although she looks pretty calm in the video, she was really psyched!  

You can see how excited the other two were.  

Hubby and I were relishing in their reaction.  These are the best moments of parenting...the excitement, the wonder, the pure joy in your child's face and voice and uncontrollable jumping up and down, jumping up and down, jumping up and down...these are the moments that stay seared in your memory...forever... 

the arrival

the excitement

the anticipation

the thrill

the girls & mama

strike a pose ladies 

hand in hand...sisters on main street

Luna: 'Oh my gosh! Cinderella's castle really exists!'

ohhhhh....Cinderella's Castle...dreamy...

slathering on the block

Luna was not having it

she hated it

my sweet Sabrina excited and a bit under the weather 

Highlight of the day:  

Having lunch at The Crystal Palace with Winnie the Pooh & Friends


Eeyore and Kalina (she put Princess Tiana on his nose!)

she loves Eeyore

Eeyore was the sweetest

Piglet and the girls! 

Kalina's checking out Piglet's hand

classic: there is always one girl that's not happy...boo hoo...
poor Sabrina had a low grade fever (at least she tried to smile) 

Luna decided to skip this shot

Pooh! We love Pooh! 

So does Kalina! 

Tiger made his round last...Luna's not sure what to do

Kalina was still trying to figure out how NOT to step on Tiger's paw foot

A slumbering Princess Luna after a magical day at Disney... I love you my sweet baby girl...

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