Scribble me down...

The keys I strike.  Photo credit: Hubby (EJ)

Right here, in this space and section of this vast world wide web, I scribble.  My thoughts, my dreams, my fears and joys are scribbled.  I scribble my life in bits and pieces because bits and pieces of my life is what makes up my living kaleidoscope.  Shards of hope and love and dreams.  A collage of colors, emotions, tears, breaths, beats, giggles and smiles make up the tiny and enormous parts of my world.  I scribble the mundane moments in motherhood and the moments I'd like to sometimes forget.  I've scribbled myself to sanity and calmness and bravery.  I scribble because I CAN, because I NEED to and because it's a driving force that bewilders and frightens me.

I don't know whose really 'reading' or feeling along with me at any given moment.  I know that each time I scribble, I'm resting my heart on my sleeve when I share my stories and fears and possible side effects of my encumbered emotions.  I don't know what I'm doing half of the time because I'm perplexed about feeling too deeply, too much or too hard.  But I continue to do it.

I get scared and recoil because this is what happens when 'fear' and 'doubt' peer their snares at me and gloat about creeping into my thoughts.

Then I return and become brave again and strike their snares and gloats down with each key and each sentence I complete.  I return to a place of solace and comfort in this small but far reaching space because I know that someone is bound to 'listen' and feel and engage along with me.  No matter how many times 'fear' and 'doubt' sneak up on me, they will never scribble me down because only I can scribble them away.

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