
"Then there are moments when you feel that gravity is totally messing with you.  'Expansion and contraction', said the Universe to the wandering mind."  
-Vanessa Jubis  
My mind wanders to far off places, dreaming of some inspiration, some solace, some quiet, sometimes.

What's the matter?  Me.  I'm the matter.  It's just that sometimes, I float away.

Gravity is what keeps me grounded, tethered, steady, right here.

Gravity is what pulls two objects together.  As in, my husband and I.  My children and I.  Me and myself.

Gravity is the constant that reminds me to stand, to jump, to fall and well, pick myself back up again.

Along with expansion and contraction.  It's how things work.  Isn't it?

The Universe expands and contracts.

When you make love you expand and contract.

Pregnancy and birth expands and contracts.

The flowers, the ocean, the trees, our lungs, our heart, the rapid movement of a hummingbird.

In essence, it is the pulse of life.

Gravity pulls me down at times.  But I know that I can stand up whenever I choose.


Unknown said...

beautifully written and nice to find you via following!

never found anyone via twitter before...its all new to me!
totally understand the mamas pull of gravity making us want to stay and float away all at the same time!

im aboutto float allthe way to a remote mental institution in remote E Europe to love on some special needs orphans...these forgotten kids pull so hard on y heart they are releasing me from home bonds for a while! xx

Vanessa Jubis said...

Thank you, Jane! Nice to meet you :)

Wow, you are a special and loving person, I can tell ;) What you're about to do is truly remarkable!



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