letter to {my little cup of} coffee

Image via equitycoffee.com

Dear little cup of coffee,

Remember me?  We met just a couple of years ago because up until that time, I was reluctant to savoring you.  I was more of a green tea type of gal but then I gave you a shot (wink).  I hope you're doing swell.  I do remember learning to make you in the espresso style when I was about nine years old and I recall you always smelling marvelous.  After trying the many varieties you come in whether you were freshly ground from Ecuador or pre-packaged in an air tight container, I learned to appreciate you, admire you, need you and want you more and more.  You and me became an obsession, an affair of sorts.  You've warmed my chilly late evenings and jolt me awake on those slow ass mornings.

Now I've discovered you in a perfect little single serve package offered up by one of your biggest fans.  Thank you Starbucks for sharing the ingenious serving!

I started mixing you up with some exotic vanilla bean coconut milk and this made you even more exciting but I never let her overpower you too much because you're too good for that! Plus I'd never let you reach your expiration date because that would mean that you've cheated on me.  None of that silliness happening between you and I.  You are such a loyal companion and I a loyal drinker to you my savory and extra bold coffee.  I know you'll never let me down (wink).  Your commitment to keeping me up at night is more than I can ever ask for.  When I need you, you're there.  When I've had enough of you, you patiently wait to be re-heated.  When I've abandoned you for some days, you always pick up right where you left off once I have you again.  You are the perfect dose to my day, the wide eye keeper to my nights and my overall get my ass moving addictive liquid with a questionable dose of delicious.

So here's to you, my lovely little cup of coffee.  Thank you for your continued commitment to this Mama that would be lost and sleepy.  She'd be groggy and could potentially become a head spinning ogre without you.  Yeah, she's got her spongy little offspring to thank for her scrambled little head.  But hey, at least she's got extra bold French you to hold in her hand and sip as she pleases ♥  

I floss and have a kick ass electric tooth brush so you won't be seeing any coffee stains up in these pearly whites :)

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