re-organizational {frenzy}

So I've been spinning my wheels with organizing, organizing, organizing.  Actually, Re-Organizing.  Yes, I'm in one of those frenzies.  Mainly my garage which is really my sewing/craft  space /learning oasis which we call 'our class' is what I've been re-arranging, re-thinking, re-purposing, re-everything! Oh and did I mention how exhausting it is?  It's going to take me some real productive time to accomplish what my little brain in here is envisioning.  Of course the girls are constantly pulling me away from breaking some serious ground.  So, my bigger chunks of productive time has to happen in the wee hours of the night when the three little mice are tucked away and the Mama cat scratches away at her pathetic litter box with a bold cup of coffee in a declawed paw.  

I've started with all my fabric.  Fabric, fabric, fabric galore! I can't help it, every single time I walk in to the fabric or craft store, I end up walking out with at least one or two yards of something that includes thread count.  Am I a fabric addict?  Maybe!  When all else fails, cover it with fabric! No, really, my sewing area has been needing a re-vamping since like yesterday.  Here's a sneak peek at what's in store for me.  Promise not to laugh!

(Sound track to 'Jaws')

Ahhh!! Yikes! Tell me the truth, is it really THAT bad? I'm embarrassed!  

BUT I have started in a little bitty corner.  There is hope for my sewing/craft space already! 

So you see! I've started to neatly fold, place and tuck all my pretty, pretty fabric in a re-purposed utility cart.  That handy little cart used to be housed between my old washer and dryer.  I may spray paint it in a plum tone for some added color.  We'll see... 

Between today and tomorrow I plan to get some huge areas done.  I'll share my process and new found ideas with you.  My goal is to be able to sit comfortably in my sewing area and SEW without the need to stress about a mess all around me.  Also to let the two bigger girls get their little hands on sewing a simple thing or two for themselves.  I have so many cute projects in mind but I'll share those with you later :) 

While my frenzy is in full swing, I'm going to try my hardest to maintain the mind set of what that cute little wooden plaque above reads, 'peace begins with a smile' 
(a sweet little birthday gift from a dear and lovely friend- thank you E! ♥) 
because while I can't do it all in one, two or five days, 
I can certainly try to make the best of each little stride with my bold coffee in hand, of course.  

Stay tuned for the updates on this re-organizational {frenzy}!  Have a lovely Saturday! 

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