Those blah days...

Don't you hate those days that you mentally want to do this or that but simply physically cannot get your ass up to do it?! That's what my day is like today.  Just one of those 'blah' days.  It's funny because I'm normally really happy and excited when it's gloomy and cloudy and dark outside (like it is right now) but the weather is having quite of an effect on me.  Sucks! I'm feeling very disorganized just like that Tropical Storm 'Emily' out in the Caribbean!

Believe me, I've tried to feel a little more spritely! I took a shower, result, BLAH.  I scrubbed one toilet, result, BLAH.  I made myself a delicious grilled chicken over mixed baby green and haas avocado salad, result, BLAH.  I put on some make up, result, BLAH.  I let my daughters have anything they wanted for lunch so that they wouldn't say, 'oh that AGAIN?!' including but not limited to coconut ice cream sandwiches, rice crackers, banana with peanut butter and vanilla yogurt (not in that order), result, I still felt BLAH.  I shredded some more paper, result BLAH.  So what gives?!?!

Forget it! It's just a BLAH day and that's that.  Happy Blah-ness!


Dai Chibi said...

Having a blah too!

Anonymous said...

when i have those days i always sing in my head "its just one of those days that agirl goes thru..." a song by Monica, :) i sing it and my husband gets it :) luly


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