An honest look at Homeschooling: Why sometimes, I'd like to send my kids to school!

Who doesn't love a cute pig?

Confession: I homeschool my daughters but sometimes, I'd like to register them in a Public School or ANY school for that matter.

Here's the raw deal, having three daughters (8, 6 & 3) at home 24/7 is straining on the mind, senses, emotions, brain cells, you name it.

Difficult is a SERIOUS understatement.  Why? Because there is only so much ONE person can do with regards to keeping an 'organized' flow of learning without feeling like a complete and utter failure.

Not to toot my own horn or anything but I know that I'm more than capable to 'teach' my girls.
I just have a difficult time keeping it all together (including my little head) without sacrificing my own needs.  DH and I are educated individuals.  He's a Chiropractor and aside from my little blog here, I hold a Master's in Creative Writing.  We can easily agree that our girls don't have 'dumb' parents BUT teaching our own at home is difficult, still.

My.  Own.  Needs.  What does THAT mean? 

It means that my needs are often sacrificed.  I love my girls.  I cannot imagine my life without them.  I also *need* my own time.  Like, five straight hours of my own time.

Having them here at home fighting, arguing, bickering, making messes, asking to eat every 30 minutes, wanting to watch T.V., giving me sass about sitting down to read and many other instances sometimes, totally sucks. 

I hate that I have to put it this way bit it's the *truth*.

There is constant battle in this house over, 'She took my doll!', or 'I want THAT 'cerulean' crayon!', or 'She stuck a booger on me!', or 'Barbie's head is missing and it's Sabrina or Luna or Kalina's FAULT!' now mix that in with 'school time.'  Ugh.


The usual show down

I'm human and imperfect and sometimes I feel like I totally SUCK at mediating this constant intense environment.  *sigh*

I need a break.

A closer look:
I converted half of my garage into an adorable classroom.

They have just about everything a homeschool child needs.  There are puzzles, books, clay, workbooks, flash cards, a puppet stage, markers, crayons, colored pencils, water color, paint, journals, board games, etc.

The power of positive affirmations (that electrical box is in a crappy spot)

Stocked up!

Threading a sewing board.

Creating her own structure out of clothes pins

Here's another confession: I'm laid back about how I 'school' the girls.

I have no schedule.  I have no curriculum.  I have no 'official' way I do or don't do anything with them.

I guess you can say that I simply go with the flow and 'try' to take each day as it comes.
That's the simple *truth*

Some days they play all day.  Other days they'll read or do science experiments, i.e., make slime.  Other times they'll watch a 'learning' show, i.e. Word World.

On great days, they'll work together.  Quietly.

Painting with exquisite dexterity

Then there are days that we don't do a thing.

Or the days when the eldest picks up the children's story book I wrote and illustrated when I was in high school and together they'll sit.  Calmly.  

Looks like someone lost her head before I did.  

Sometimes I'll move the living room coffee table out of the way, get the girls all revved up about dancing and we'll jam to Raffi's 'Baby Beluga' CD and little bit of Bob Marley too.  Otherwise, we'll perform our best rendition of a song on Adele's album.  I know I must look like a total *dork* to the passerby through my picture window.  Whatever.  Gets the sillies out of them.  It works.  This is what happens when you're a mom to three GIRLS! 

So there, you got a sneak peek into our world of *homeschooling* 

The homeschool route is NOT for everyone.  Yes, it was our choice to have our daughters schooled here at home but that doesn't always mean that it was the best choice.  

Goodness, I'm still trying to figure out if in fact, it works for ME.  I don't know?  On most days, I'd like to throw in the towel and say, 'That's it, I give up!'  I struggle with this issue.  I really do.  I'm still on the fence about the entire thing (sigh).  

Ask me right now, 'Do you want to send your kids to school?' The answer would be 'YES!' but then the guilt sets in, the worry begins to rise and the anxiety brings me to a screeching halt.  

I'm a mess about the entire issue.  (insert long exhale) 

Private schools are exorbitantly expensive in my city (been there, done that) and the Public School system makes it ridiculously difficult for a parent to simply go and register your kid in the school belonging to 'your' district due to the fabricated 'lotto' system, or the 'waiting lists', or the 'magnet programs' and all the other ridiculous trapeze stunts one has to go through in order to get your kid a 'free' education.  That's another *soap box* of mine.   

If you're a mom that homeschool's and you'd like to say 'Forget this, I'm done!', it's quite fine to feel this way and follow through with your reasons to say 'good-bye' to homeschooling.  Do not feel guilty! You're doing what's BEST for YOU and your FAMILY.  Period.  

In the meantime, I'm doing my best here.  Whether I kick the homeschooling idea or not.  Just taking it one day at a time and learning as I go along, freaky headless Barbie and all.  


Anonymous said...

Wow - I just love this post. What you are doing for your girls is amazing and thank you for sharing the ups and downs!

Sugar Jones said...

I had almost the same homeschooling experience as you. Some days, I wanted to run screaming from the house. Even with a pretty relaxed schedule, it could get intense. I did end up sending the kids to a full time school, and I've had mixed feelings ever since. It's been almost one year and most days, it's okay. Some days, though, I just want to pull them out and get back to how we used to do things. They are far ahead of their classmates and I worry that they may continue to dumb down to the average. We are currently looking at private schools with a more challenging curriculum than public schools. If we can't swing it financially, or if there isn't room, we've already discussed getting back to a homeschool co-op. It's such a better educational experience for kids. It's not easy... but it is better.

Hugs, mama.

Vanessa Jubis said...

Thank you, Serena! Hanging in there... :)

Vanessa Jubis said...

Thanks, Sugar! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that feels this. The entire thing is tough for me. I'm hanging in there though *sigh*

Thank you for your support! ;)

Team Suzanne said...

As a fellow homeschooler with daughters (I have only two because I am sane), I thoroughly enjoyed your post. I particularly identified with your statement that homeschooling is a choice, and sometimes maybe not even the best choice. There is so much sanctimony around schooling decisions--that I think people often assume homeschoolers are somehow "different" and don't have ambiguity, doubts and bad days just like any other schooling option. It's what we choose, it has its own set of pros and cons, it works some days better than others, and we're sticking with it until those cons begin to outweigh the pros. And I'm not a super hero--I can't see into the future and know when that point will be, or if it will ever come. I'm just a parent, like every other parent, taking it day by day and trying to make the best decisions for my kids.

Whew. That felt good. What do I owe you? For listening?

BTW--your garage homeschool looks WAY more fun than our sunroom homeschool.

Vanessa Jubis said...

Hi Suzanne!

Thanks for peeking in ;)

So glad you came to weigh in and share that you TOO homeschool! Yay! Makes me feel better knowing that someone else understands the 'one day at a time' deal.

Come and vent whenever you'd like, I love interacting with my readers/commenters :)

Thanks! The garage was a fun 'project' for me. They do love it... ;)



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