Sometimes I feel like a single mom

I put an enormous amount of pressure on myself to be a 'good' mom.  Yesterday I wrote about mom guilt and how I said 'smell ya later' in order to have 'fun' with my girls.  I don't have 'good' mom days 7 days a week.

Here's what I DO have several times a week: Terrible mom days, scary mom days, depressed mom days, overwhelmed mom days, tired mom days, happy mom days, blissful mom days, sad mom days, excited mom days, get 'shit' done mom days, etc.  You get my point.

Here's the is HARD.  Yes, very, very hard.

Being a parent is wonderful and exhausting... I'm married to a wonderful man that works 12, sometimes 14 hours a day outside of the home.  He's an excellent husband, father, friend AND provider.  I'm eternally grateful for being able to be home with my girls while doing what I love, which is the obvious, writing.  Yet, sometimes, I feel like a 'single' mom.  Yes, a married 'single' mom!

It's my job to feed my girlshubby&dog, scrub the toilets, prepare/cook meals, organize, bookkeep, grocery shop, bathe, wash/fold, drive to activities, etc., etc., etc.  I also work from home and have to keep up with my writing, pitching ideas and strive to slowly contribute my monetary part as well.

Momhood.  Is.  Not.  Easy.  I love my husband and I feel like a 'single' parent.

The predicament is quite interesting and mind boggling.  I know many 'married' moms that feel this way.  I am NOT the only one.

I applaud the 'real' single moms out there and all that they juggle and deal with.  It cannot be easy but they are NOT alone.  We married women feel you!  Compassion is hard to come by.  I feel that all of us moms are in this together.  Married or single.  Being a mom is a job that is overworked and underpaid.

I love my life.  I adore my husband and children.  I love being a mom.  I also struggle with it ALL.

But I'm doing my best.

There are days where my body cannot stand another task even if it means that the girls don't get a bath that day.

My room is messy more days of the week than I'd like it to be.

My floors get mopped once every two or three weeks (I think.)

I'll make the girls breakfast for dinner some days because there was no time to plan a better meal.

A pony tail is much easier to make on their hair than pig-tails or a braid.  

Sometimes I won't shower for two days.  Gross.

I often have five loads of laundry to wash.

My dog smells like a raccoon.

But I keep my toe nails painted, even if it's just the two toes peeking out of a peep toe shoe.

Nevertheless, I'm doing my best...

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