
My paternal grandmother had a long list of superstitions, i.e., no hats to be placed on a bed (otherwise, you will have eternal bad luck), no placing your purse on the floor (or your money will be lost), infants must wear a black bead on a bracelet (to ward off the 'evil' eye.)

My husband likes to knock on wood to rid of a 'negative' thought.

My mom will not keep sea shells in her home because she thinks that they will bring forth bitterness to her life.

Several family members choose to wear bracelets with beaded 'eyes' on them for protection from envy (you know who you are!)

Superstitions don't bother me.  They don't make or break my beliefs, disbeliefs and/or practices.  Sure, they sound mysterious and FUN and intriguing but not enough for me to adopt and live by them.

Which brings me to being superstitious about 'beginnings.' (A NoBloPoMo prompt)  Or, is there anything that I do to start out on the right foot?  Nope.  None that I can think of, at least.

When I wrote my thesis Novel (Confessions of a Legal Secretary), I remember stressing about 'starting' it, you know, sitting down and simply writing.  I felt stifled and insecure and worried and I was a total mess about the 'act' of writing.  I called my little predicament a 'writer's slum', so much so that I started a blog about it (no, I haven't kept that one up to date.)  I refused to call it 'writer's block' because I just didn't want to adopt the cliché term.  'Writer's Slum' was way cooler sounding to me anyway.  I was slumming it.  Period.

I didn't do anything to fix what was occurring to me that would fall under a 'superstitious' realm to appease my quandary.  I think that I simply had turn off my internal editor and tell it to get the hell away in order for me to 'begin' my writing.  It was probably one of the toughest moments of my writing career, plus it didn't help one bit that it was my Master's thesis!  Nah, no pressure at all!

On the other hand, maybe I DID do something! I scared my internal editor away! BOO!!!
Maybe I'll start my own set of superstitions, you know, for the fun and thrill of it.

Oops! Gotta go pick up some broken 'mirror' glass!


@therebelchick said...

Yay for scaring internal editors away! I am not superstitious either, but I do find some of them very entertaining!

Megan said...

I wish I was more superstitious, I think all those little unique things sound so special and interesting!


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